DVDs are available for:
Gopher Ordnance Works
Recounts the history of the World War II ammunition plant, which operated on 11,500 acres in Rosemount.
Rosemount’s 150 Years
The DVD was made in 2008 when the Rosemount Historical Society planned a sesquicentennial event to mark 150 years since Rosemount Township was established.
DVD’s available for $5 each.
To order a DVD, contact: ​​
Maureen Geraghty Bouchard
3130 145th St. W.
Rosemount, MN 55068
Phone: 651-423-4603
email: rosemounthistory@charter.net
"Rosemount: From the River to Space"
"Rosemount: From the River to Space" by Maureen Geraghty Bouchard of the Rosemount Area Historical Society is on sale for $30.00 (tax included, shipping $6). The book is 348 pages and has more than 1,100 pictures. To order a book, contact:
Maureen Geraghty Bouchard
3130 145th St. W.
Rosemount, MN 55068
Phone: 651-423-4603
email: rosemounthistory@charter.net
Click here to read a February 2014 story about the book from Sun Thisweek and the Dakota County Tribune.
Click here to read a November 2013 story about the book from Sun Thisweek and the Dakota County Tribune.